Edgenuity Courseware™ for Credit Recovery
Edgenuity’s self-paced learning and pretesting allow students to spend more time on what they need and less time on content they’ve already mastered. Course content is aligned to state standards and the Common Core.
Flexible Credit Recovery that Helps Students
Catching up to grade level can be overwhelming for both students and teachers. For middle- and high-school students, catching up means finding time to repeat and master content and skills they struggled with and learning the current material, all while completing other graduation requirements and fulfilling personal responsibilities.
Edgenuity’s credit recovery courses are designed to help students learn at their own pace and on their own time. The flexibility and design of these courses empower students to focus on exactly the content they need to in order to catch up to their peers, recover lost credits, and graduate on time.

Peak Prep Pleasant Valley is pleased to offer several career ready pathways to our students!
- Business Information Management
- General Management
- Network Systems Specialist
- Programming & Software Development