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3 Easy Steps to Success

Withdraw your student from their former school.

Learn more detailed information on our program (below)
Your student may start their courses on Monday!


Family Handbook

FAQs (Grades TK-5)

Will I be receiving school supplies?

TK-5th grade students will receive a workbook for their courses.

Do TK-5th grade students have work to do if their workbook has not arrived?

Yes, you may begin your courses even if you have not received your workbook.

When will I start my courses?

You may begin your courses on Monday!

How are my courses assigned?

TK-5th grade students will get the courses assigned for their current grade.

What are the student expectations?

Students are expected to work between 4-5 hours per day, Monday through Friday, and show a 3% increase in each subject per week.

Do I need to withdraw my student from their former school?

Now that you have been officially approved, please be sure to withdraw your student from their former school, as you cannot be enrolled in two schools at the same time.

How do I reach my teacher(s)?

Teachers can be reached via phone, text, and email. In addition, teachers will have office hours and weekly Class Connect sessions that you are welcome to attend. Your teachers are available to you when you need help. Please make sure to reach out to them if you are struggling with anything with your courses. Bear in mind that staff is available during business hours Monday through Friday.

FAQs (Grades 6-12)

Will I be receiving school supplies?

No, your instruction is embedded within the online courses. You will not need any physical school supplies. For some English classes, though, you may need to check out a book from the library or order online.

How are my courses assigned?

Your courses are selected by our counselors after a transcript/report card review.

When will I start my courses?

Courses begin on Monday, if you complete enrollment by 4pm on the Tuesday prior.

How many classes will I be assigned?

Students receive 6 courses per semester.

My student has been working, but the LMS is not showing that they have done anything. When will progress be visible?

The LMS updates nightly, so progress may not be visible until the following day.

Do I need to withdraw my student from their former school?

Yes! Now that you have been officially approved, please be sure to withdraw your student from their former school, as you cannot be enrolled in 2 public schools at the same time.

What are the student expectations?

Students will receive 6 courses a per semester . Students must spend roughly 1 hour working in each course per day. There are not specific times during which students are required to log in during the day. The schedule is flexible for each student’s needs as long as he/she is working 5-6 hours per day. If a student is not logging in, he/she is not abiding by the terms of the Master Agreement. The student will receive a warning that he/she is truant. If the student continues to fail to actively work in his/her courses, the student risks being withdrawn from our program.

How do I reach my conentent teacher(s)?

Teachers can be reached via phone, text, and email. In addition, teachers will have office hours and weekly live sessions that you are welcome to attend. Your teachers are available to you when you need help. Please make sure to reach out to them if you are struggling with anything within your courses.

When is the staff available?

Please be aware that all communications generally receive a reply from school staff within 24 hours (not including holidays or weekends). Although the online system is typically available 24/7, our staff members are available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.

Who do I reach out to if I need a new course?

When you complete your courses, your Homeroom teacher or Guidance Counselor will reach out to you to have new courses assigned.

What is the role of my Homeroom teacher?

Our students are assigned a homeroom teacher. The homeroom teacher is here to support the families with school procedures. They will collect work samples and attendance, monitor each student’s progress, and ultimately create report cards. They will be able to issue extensions when necessary, as well as request new course assignments. They act as a central person supporting a student’s overall progress. Homeroom teachers can be reached via phone, text and email (using whichever method you prefer).

How does a Parent/Guardian monitor their student's grades and progress?

The Parent/Guardian will receive an email from Edgenuity with their own
Parent/Guardian login that should be used to monitor the student’s progress and to check their grades on a regular basis.

Who do I contact to receive a transcript?

Transcripts can be ordered through our registrar Chelsie Arevalo.
For questions, please contact our Registrar, Chelsie Arevalo at the main office:
805-419-0233 or [email protected]